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Beautiful Births
Video Library

C-Section vs Vaginal Birth?

If you are asking the question "Should I have a c-section or vaginal birth?" this video is for you!


*I am not a medical professional. I am a mother who has had both birth experiences and sharing not only my personal experience with you but also 16+ years of research on the subject and a clip from my internationally acclaimed documentary for educational purposes. Please discuss with your care providers and do as much research on the birthing options available to you as possible.

What Does Unmedicated Labor Feel Like?

Are you curious what unmedicated labor feels like? Curious if you can handle it? Want to know how to manage it without pain medication? Watch this video!

What does it feel like & how do you know when you have the urge to push?

What does it feel like when you have the urge to push? And will you poop during labor? Watch this video for the honest answers to these questions!

Understand Your Newborn - Infant (0-3months) Cries
One woman discovered what the different sounds newborn infants make mean. Watch this to better understand what your baby is saying to you. Courtesy of the Oprah YouTube channel. 


Jacqui Blue is Featured on Dr. Berlin's Informed Pregnancy Podcast

Dr. Berlin & Jacqui Blue talk about her birth experiences, journey into becoming a Hypnotherapist specializing in pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum, her filmmaking process with Beautiful Births and her new book, which is a first-of-its-kind Hypnotherapy Program in an interactive book!

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